SimpleDS Parameters

These are the standard attributes of DelaySpectrum objects.

Under the hood they are actually properties based on UnitParameter object which themselves are based on a UVParameter.


These parameters are required to have a sensible DelaySpectrum object and are required for most kinds of power spectrum estimation.


Number of antennas with data present (i.e. number of uniqueentries in ant_1_array and ant_2_array). May be smallerthan the number of antennas in the array


Number of antennas in the array. May be larger than the number of antennas with data


Number of baselines


Number of delay channels. Must be equal to (Nfreqs) with FFT usage. However may differ if a more intricate Fourier Transform is used.


Number of frequency channels per spectral window


Number of polarizations


The number of spectral windows over which the Delay Transform is performed. All spectral windows must be the same size.


Number of times


Number of UVData objects which have been read. Only a maximum of 2 UVData objects can be read into a single DelaySpectrum Object. Only 1 UVData must be ready to enable delay transformation and power spectrum estimation.


Array of first antenna indices, shape (Nbls), type = int, 0 indexed


Array of second antenna indices, shape (Nbls), type = int, 0 indexed


Array of baseline indices, shape (Nbls), type = int; baseline = 2048 * (ant1+1) + (ant2+1) + 2^16


The integral of the power beam area. Shape = (Nspws, Npols, Nfreqs)


The integral of the squared power beam squared area. Shape = (Nspws, Npols, Nfreqs)


Astropy cosmology object cabale of performing necessary cosmological calculations. Defaults to WMAP 9-Year.


String indicating which domain the data is in. Allowed values are “delay”, “frequency”


Array of delay, shape (Ndelays), units ns


Array of frequencies, shape (Nspws, Nfreqs), units Hz


Length of the integration in seconds, has shape (Npols, Nbls, Ntime). units s, assumes inegration time is the same for all spectral windows and all frequncies in a spectral window. Assumes the same convention as pyuvdata, where this is the target amount of time a measurement is integrated over. Spectral window dimension allows for frequency dependent filtering to be properly tracked for noise simulations.


Cosmological wavenumber of spatial modes probed along the line of sight. This value is awlays calculated, however it is not a realistic probe of k_parallel over large bandwidths. This code assumes k_tau >> k_perpendicular and as a results k_tau is interpreted as k_parallel. In python 2 this unit is always in 1/Mpc. For python 3 users, it is possible to convert the littleh/Mpc using the littleh_units boolean flag in update_cosmology.


Cosmological wavenumber of spatial modes probed perpendicular to the line of sight. In python 2 this unit is always in 1/Mpc. For python 3 users, it is possible to convert the littleh/Mpc using the littleh_units boolean flag in update_cosmology.


Array of lsts, center of integration, shape (Ntimes), UVData objects must be LST aligned before adding data to the DelaySpectrum object.units radians


Array of polarization integers, shape (Npols). Uses same convention as pyuvdata: pseudo-stokes 1:4 (pI, pQ, pU, pV); circular -1:-4 (RR, LL, RL, LR); linear -5:-8 (XX, YY, XY, YX).


Mean redshift of given frequencies. Calculated with assumed cosmology.


Spectral taper function used during Fourier Transform. Functions like


System receiver temperature used in noise simulation. Stored as array of length (Nfreqs), but may be passed as a single scalar. Must be a Quantity with units compatible to K.


Nominal (u,v,w) vector of baselines in units of meters


Visibility units, options are: “uncalib”, “Jy” or “K str”


These parameters are not required to prepare a DelaySpectrum object for power spectrum estimation. However, some become required once the data has been Fourier Transformed into delay space.


Array of the visibility data, shape: (Nspws, Nuv, Npols, Nbls, Ntimes, Nfreqs), type = complex float, in units of self.vis_units


Boolean flag, True is flagged, shape: same as data_array.


Array of the simulation noise visibility data, shape: (Nspws, Nuv, Npols, Nbls, Ntimes, Nfreqs), type = complex float, in units of self.vis_units. Noise simulation generated assuming the sky is 180K@180MHz relation with the input receiver temperature, nsample_array, and integration times.


The cross-multiplied simulated noise power spectrum estimates. Units are converted to cosmological frame (mK^2/(hMpc^-1)^3).For uncalibrated data the noise simulation is not well defined but is still calculated and will have units (Jy Hz)^2. In python 2 this unit is always in mK^2 Mpc^3. For python 3 users, it is possible to convert the mK^2 / (littleh/Mpc)^3 using the littleh_units boolean flag in update_cosmology.


Number of data points averaged into each data elementself. Uses the same convention as a UVData object:NOT required to be an integer, type = float, same shape as data_array.The product of the integration_time and the nsample_array value for a visibility reflects the total amount of time that went into the visibility.


The cross-multiplied power spectrum estimates. Units are converted to cosmological frame (mK^2/(hMpc^-1)^3).For uncalibrated data the cosmological power is not well defined the power array instead represents the power in the delay domain adn will have units (Hz^2). In python 2 this unit is always in mK^2 Mpc^3. For python 3 users, it is possible to convert the mK^2 / (littleh/Mpc)^3 using the littleh_units boolean flag in update_cosmology.


The cosmological unit conversion factor applied to the thermal noise estimate. Has the form (“Nspws”, “Npols”). Accounts for all beam polarizations.Always has units mK^2 Mpc^3 /( K^2 sr^2 Hz^2)


The predicted thermal variance of the input data averaged over all input baselines.Units are converted to cosmological frame (mK^2/(hMpc^-1)^3). In python 2 this unit is always in mK^2 Mpc^3. For python 3 users, it is possible to convert the mK^2 / (littleh/Mpc)^3 using the littleh_units boolean flag in update_cosmology.


The cosmological unit conversion factor applied to the data. Has the form (“Nspws”, “Npols”). Accounts for all beam polarizations.Depending on units of input visibilities it may take units of mK^2/(h/Mpc)^3 / (K * sr * Hz)^2 or mK^2/[h/Mpc]^3 / (Jy * Hz)^2


Orientation of the physical dipole corresponding to what islabelled as the x polarization. Options are ‘east’(indicating east/west orientation) and ‘north’ (indicatingnorth/south orientation)

last updated: 2021-01-11